Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I guess we'll wait alittle longer

So this morning I tried to put Sis in panties.  She screamed and hollered and carried on like a crazy person!  When my mom stopped by to bring Brooklyn back she put Sis in panties.  Sis thought it was great.  Three accidents later, not so much.  The third time she went into the bathroom, locked the door, then peed on the floor.  Almost I know.  While I was cleaning that up she got out a diaper, laid on the floor and put it on herself!  So I am thinking we'll just wait a little longer till there are no more diapers in the house!  I think we have maybe two weeks of diapers left.  I am ready for this battle with Sis.  She's so stubborn though I know it will be on her time and her terms when she starts using the potty.

On a completely different note tomorrow I have my one month follow up at the nutritionist office.  According to my scale I have lost 8lbs this past 4 weeks.  That puts me to 11lbs total!  I hope I can keep up the 2 lbs a week.  If so I'll reach my goal by the beginning/middle of June. 

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